The Brindley Annual Christmas celebration is a wonderful time for fun, food and fellowship where all the employees from Brindley Construction and Brindley & Associates come together. The tradition began in 1967 as an opportunity to recognize outstanding employees and service anniversaries. Employee of the Year designees are chosen by a vote of their fellow employees. These employees exemplify the company mission and are held in the highest esteem by their co-workers.
It is with great pleasure that we announce that Michelle Orr was named the 2017 Employee of the Year for Brindley Construction.
Michelle, pictured above with President Ronnie Brindley and Vice President Jeff Brindley, is the Accountant and Human Resources Coordinator for Brindley Construction. Michelle processes payables for our vendors and construction projects, maintains our company benefits, and generates payroll for both companies. She also serves as our office manager, along with assisting with any IT-related services required by the main office and our superintendents. Michelle attended Martin Methodist College where she received her Bachelor’s degree in Accounting in 2005 and again in 2010 for a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Management. Michelle enjoys spending time with her husband, Rob, and children, Alexis and Colin. She enjoys cooking, shopping, and watching her kids play sports.
Two employees were recognized as the 2017 Employee of the Year for Brindley & Associates: Katie Journey and Jay Kraft.

Katie Journey, pictured left with Terry Mitchell and Ronnie Brindley, is the compliance and multi-family property manager for Brindley & Associates. She monitors and reports on compliance to ownership, partners, and regulatory authorities for our property portfolio. She provides direct support to the on-site property team members and operations for the properties owned and operated by Brindley & Associates. Katie is a long-time Rotarian with the Pulaski Rotary Club and is a school board member for the Giles County Board of Education. She loves spending time with her husband, Rodney and son, Wyatt. She enjoys cooking, gardening, and being outdoors. Christmas is her favorite holiday and she loves hosting friends and family to share the holiday spirit. She loves Christmas trees and usually decorates eight every year!
Jay Kraft, pictured right with Ronnie Brindley and Jeff Brindley, is a maintenance technician at Brindley & Associates. Jay handles all of the HVAC and service work for the property portfolio. He has HVAC and EPA certifications with Air Conditioning Contractors of America (AACA). His commercial and residential HVAC experience assists the entire maintenance team with diagnostics and timely repairs to keep our customers and residents satisfied. Outside of work, Jay enjoys spending time at home and cheering for his favorite football team—Go Alabama!
The Brindley family of companies has long enjoyed its dedicated employees that value working for the company. This is evidenced by the group of long-term employees that make up our family. Other Brindley employees recognized for their years of service to the company include:
Willie Angel - 10 Years of Service
Sherry Barr - 10 Years of Service
Maurice Griffith - 15 Years of Service
Terry Mitchell - 25 Years of Service
Kathy Pigg (pictured right) - 45 Years of Service
Our outstanding employees strive to serve our clients with our extensive experience in commercial, industrial, institutional, religious, assisted-living, and medical projects. Have a project in mind? We are always happy to talk to you about your project ideas.
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